Ankara is Turkey's capital and second most populous city. Its population as of 2022 is 5,747,325 people. This population lives in 25 districts and 1425 neighborhoods of these districts. Population density is 215 throughout the province. In the list of cities according to their population, it is in the fifty-seventh place in the world according to the ranking made by taking into account the municipal borders. Geographically, it is located close to the center of Turkey and most of it is in the Central Anatolia Region, except for the northern parts of the Western Black Sea Region. It is the third largest city in the country by area. It is surrounded by Bolu, Çankırı, Kırıkkale, Kırşehir, Aksaray, Konya and Eskişehir provinces.
After Ankara was declared the capital city on October 13, 1923, the city developed rapidly and became the second most populous city in Turkey. Half of the lands of the province, whose economy was based on agriculture and animal husbandry in the first years of the Turkish Republic, are still used for agricultural purposes. Economic activity is largely based on commerce and industry. The weight of agriculture and animal husbandry is decreasing gradually. Both public and private sector investments in Ankara and its surroundings have encouraged a large population migration from other provinces. Since the founding of the Republic, its population has increased twice as fast as the country's population.
Ankara, whose known history reaches at least 10 thousand years ago, to the Old Stone Age, has hosted many civilizations from prehistory to the present day. The Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, Persians, Galatians, Romans, Byzantines, Seljuk Dynasty, Ottomans and finally the Republic of Turkey kept the province lands under their control. The city of Ankara, the capital of the Tektosags and the Republic of Turkey, and Gordion, the capital of the Phrygians, are located within the provincial borders. The Battle of Ankara, where Yıldırım Bayezid was defeated by Tamerlane, was fought near Çubuk, and the Battle of Sakarya, which was the turning point of the Turkish War of Independence, was fought near Polatlı.
Ankara has a land climate. Most of the provincial lands outside the city consist of plateaus covered with grain fields. The natural beauties in various parts of the province have been protected and offered for recreational and entertainment purposes. The rabbit, goat, horse and cat that bear the name of the province are known around the world, while the pear, crocus, Ankara pan from local dishes and the mineral water of Kızılcahamam and Beypazarı are known throughout the country.
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Date of Update 03.08.2024