Dr. Ali Sahan Clinic Ankara
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Sapanca is a county of Sakarya province. Sapanca Lake is located in the north, Sakarya central district Adapazarı in the east, Samanlı Mountains, Geyve and Pamukova Districts in the south, and Kocaeli central district Izmit in the west. Its area is 140 km² and its height from the sea is 36 meters. Sapanca is the smallest district of Sakarya in terms of surface area and the highest population density.

The climate is transitional between the Mediterranean and Black Sea climates. It is rainy in winters and it is usually in the form of rain. The season with the most precipitation is winter, and the season with the least rainfall is summer. The summers are hot and dry, the relative humidity is high in there. The hottest month is July with 22,8 degrees Celsius, the coldest month is January with 5,5 degrees Celcius. The average annual temperature is 14.3 degrees Celsius.

Also the lowest instantaneously measured temperature is - 11.2 degrees Celsius as of 01.03.2000. and the highest measured tempreture is 40,2 degrees Celsius as of 08.18.2007.

The distance to the clinic is 324 kilometers.

Dr. Ali Sahan Clinic Ankara

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Date of Update 03.08.2024