Dr. Ali Sahan Clinic Ankara
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Chin Filling

Chin Filling

With the application of filling to the chin area, it is aimed to eliminate the deformations that occur in advanced ages, to eliminate structural jaw disorders and aesthetic concerns. It may require repeating at 8-12 month intervals.

Click here to access Dr. Ali Şahan's PubMed article on Chin Filling.

Does it cause drooping?

Since products containing hyaluronic acid are used, the filler must be renewed at 8-12 month intervals. Therefore, it does not cause sagging when the filling is done with the right depth and technique.

Does it cause an artificial appearance?

When done by the right hands, the person's image becomes more natural.

Does it hide the image of the jowl?

Since the jowl image will be more prominent in people with insufficient chin length and thinness, improving these areas reduces or completely eliminates the jowl appearance.

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Date of Update 03.08.2024